
22 March 2023

Memories, Old and New

It was a beautiful morning, summer sunshine on a lush green landscape, soft white clouds embracing the mountain tops – I felt a twinge of nostalgia […]
7 December 2022

Long Time Ago

Scrolling through Instagram this morning I came across a clip of The Little Drummer Boy being piped by men in kilts in Edinburgh. Instantly I was […]
16 February 2021

The Storms of My Life

I am not the bravest person in storms. I was born and lived most of my life in the Kingdom of Eswatini, a small ovoid shaped […]
25 January 2021

My Land, My Africa

As I sat on the stoep catching up on the news of Cyclone Eloise to the south of us, my thoughts cloaked with birdsong, the familiar […]
22 December 2020


As we reach the end of this pandemically crazy year I began my usual tidy up. I like to start the new year with my papers […]
28 October 2020

Travels With Myself

Here I am doing the writer thing at a coffee shop in OR Tambo International Airport. As always I am hours early for my flight but […]
28 September 2020


Another crisis, another upheaval I have no idea how to deal with. A friend sent a link this morning and as the powerful words of I […]
14 September 2020

Free My Foot!

The notification of a charge on my credit card got my attention. It was from a company with whom I had signed up for a free […]
28 August 2020

The Hearts That Care

This year Women’s month in South Africa has passed in a haze of Covid-19 lockdowns, fear, tales of unending corruption, and muted concern over domestic violence. […]