One Starry Night
24 December 2021Long Time Ago
7 December 2022For a long while, I hesitate to say how long, I have wanted to zhuzh up my website but was hamstrung by my total inability to understand basic computerese: The language of sets of initials that has me stumped.
So, I did what any normal person would do – signed up for the webinars to learn how to do it. Didn’t really work. What looked so easy when demonstrated by the hip twenty-somethings didn’t quite happen that way for me. I later learned it was because I didn’t have the right plug-ins. There I went again – plugin?
I fiddled my way through two years of Covid restrictions, frustrated and in the end, totally disillusioned. I had seen so many super websites, writers and authors, and artists, and I knew mine was outdated and desperately boring. How was I ever going to get any traffic to my site, or better still, sell any of my work with the rudimentary webpage that I put together myself ten years ago?
I was hesitant to spend the money the site was asking for the upgrade I needed – the US Dollar/South African Rand exchange rate is prohibitive – but I knew I needed a change, and I was going to have to pay someone to help me achieve the look I wanted.
I began to look for a web designer. Someone spoke about a young man who had come to our church, needing work, so I got his number and called him. He was super, great ideas, did a fabulous design. But he never got around to finishing the job. The weeks, and then months, went by, and we got no further than a lovely, non-functioning, design on a screen. I had no choice but to end the relationship.
I went back to trying to figure it all out for myself in a desultory manner if I am to be honest. But no matter how many times I told myself I had the mind of Christ, I simply did not have what it takes to build a website.
I began to look around again. I had three offers, two close to what I could afford, one way off the chart. I worked out pros and cons, made my choice and to the rescue came a knight, not in shining armour, but calm and serene, down to earth and exactly right. After a couple of bumps and hiccups, we landed on the same page with regard to what I wanted. Thank you, Alec Somers of Precision Media for your patience, for the hours you spent sorting out my grindingly slow laptop, for the super site you have put together for me.
Now, to do it justice! I still have a way to go, figuring out things like layering, sliding, various techniques, so I ask for your patience and look forward to your feedback.