
19 July 2024

Proof, please!

I am known as someone who has ‘faith’ – I am a Christian, have been since 1979, and I implicitly believe that what the Bible says […]
6 July 2024

Jumbo Tales

Elephant stories abound for those of us fortunate enough to live close to the Kruger National Park and other Safari lodges. Videos of vehicles beating undignified […]
24 May 2024

Call It Well!

I am working on a novel that has been some forty years in the making. Scary that it has rattled around inside me for almost half […]
6 May 2024

The F-Word

Anything used beyond the bounds of moderation becomes mundane, and gross overuse is downright irritating, possibly offensive. All writing coaches admonish their charges constantly to avoid […]
27 April 2024

A Season of Uncoupling

The young duiker was running erratically, its head going to ground every few meters, sniffing the grass, then taking off again. Earlier in the day I […]
22 April 2024

My Patch of Earth

We have had a particularly wet summer – the wettest I remember since moving here in 2017. The result is a garden gone mad, luxuriant, and […]
15 April 2024

What Are The Ants Saying?

Ants. There are ants everywhere. Tiny pinprick ants, sugar ants, stocky black ants dogmatically marching in unexpected places, and the big black ants who love to […]
22 March 2024

Grief is a Lonely Path

It was a testing week. Started hard and fast, continued at a smart pace with surmountable obstacles, until Thursday when tragedy struck. A young friend was […]
10 February 2024

Dangerous Fools!

I was in the land of my birth, a beautiful kingdom somewhere in the lower east corner of Africa, formerly Swaziland, now known as Eswatini, for […]
20 January 2024

The Skies Above

I am part of a geriatric exercise group – Monday to Friday we manipulate our aging bodies into various poses and actions to ensure the joints […]
12 January 2024

Thoughts Woolly and Wild

Old habits die hard! Here I am at the end of a second week, with bits and pieces of writing, but none coherent enough for publishing. […]
29 December 2023

New Word, New Season

I learnt a new word today – Pete Greig’s writing in Lectio 365 speaks of ‘these strange, liminal days between Christmas and New Year’. I so […]
23 December 2023

It’s Christmas!

It is beginning to feel like Christmas. At last, we appear to have moved away from the fear and ugly of Covid 19 and are slowly […]
18 December 2023

Thwarting the Time Thief

I could write a dissertation on procrastination. Scrolling through Instagram or Facebook I come across experts proclaiming what time-wasting is and isn’t and wonder how people […]
16 December 2023

Colonialism or Conquest?

Please help me understand a lot of the rhetoric that is currently flying around the globe, the most popular being “From the river to the sea […]
27 November 2023

There is no ‘But …”

“Whoever is not for Me is against Me, who whoever does not gather with Me, scatters.” Luke 11 v 23 Again “… whoever denies Me before […]
9 September 2023

Ugly, as in Beautiful

This past week I have taken part in an internet freebie hosted by an artist I really like, Louise Fletcher, called Find Your Joy. It was […]
31 July 2023

King of the Night

I live in a small town in the eastern lowland, or Lowveld as it is called here, of South Africa. It is a pretty town that […]
15 May 2023

A Tale of Two Worlds

My favourite book of all time is A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. The first line for starters: It was the best of times, […]