My Thoughts

26 March 2015

The Death of a Woman

In a world of constant killing, the report that an Afghan woman has been beaten to death by a mob causes only a momentary flicker of […]
11 March 2015

Unbranded to Branded

I heard the ligwalagwala this morning. For those who are not Swazi, it is what I know as the Purple Crested Loerie, which is officially called […]
4 February 2015

The Summer Wind

The wind is soughing through the trees, birds twittering about their daily business. The repetitive call of a dove could irritate, but is simply a part […]
7 January 2015

A Child is Born …

Now that the fuss and kerfuffle of end of year festivities is over, I feel a need to look at the Christmas story, bearing in mind […]
2 January 2015

Welcome to 2015

Another new year is upon us – 2015 marks the midway point of the second decade of this 22nd millennium! After an eighteen-month sabbatical of sorts, […]
20 June 2013

Turn the Lights On

I can’t decide when is my favourite time of day, sunrise or sunset. When I am awed by the magnificence of a sunrise, I am certain […]
6 May 2013

Out in the Open

It’s a windy day, bringing in squalls.  Yesterday was cold enough to require a jersey and socks for the feet – definitely a sign of winter […]
20 April 2013

From Darkness to Light

I almost missed him. The waters were swirling around the rocky reef, the tidal pool deep and murky, its surface restless. I was looking for the […]
13 April 2013

The End of a Rake

Henry is killing a green bean. The last time he killed something it was a mouse. He is throwing the bean up in the air much […]
5 April 2013

The Sands of Time

Just as I think the beach and the dunes have no further lessons for me, I find there is infinitely more in this microcosm of existence […]
29 March 2013

A Little Deeper?

  It was a glorious morning with a contusion of clouds chasing each other along the horizon. The tide was actively going out, the stillness chimerical. […]
1 March 2013

The Colour of One’s Shell

I found this small cowrie on the beach this morning. It caught my attention because it was an unusual purple, adjoined with mottled greys and browns. […]
12 February 2013

Resilience Under Water

The reports coming out of Mocambique were scarce and varied.  For those in the know, if the Limpopo floods its banks in South Africa, then it […]
15 January 2013

As day dawns….

I love this time of the year. Each day begins with a determined resistance to getting out of bed to watch the sun make his strategic […]
19 December 2012

Hall of Heroes

The explosion, though expected, was stultifying to the senses when it came. The fireball cannoned high into the night sky, a dervish swirling in the wind. […]
8 November 2012

Thought, Word, Deed

Do you ever play conversations over and over in your mind? Do you have those times when words that have been spoken, either to you or […]
22 October 2012

A name is but a name…

Their red bodies are clearly visible on the pathways, on branches, on leaves, their tracks distinctive in the sand. They are a type of what I […]
15 October 2012

Losers Take All

  I was so thrilled to see a low tide early yesterday morning. The height of the tide, and having to be away for a week, […]
8 October 2012

“He aint heavy……

I stopped dead in my tracks. The thought and the sighting fused simultaneously in a moment of glee and awe: “He aint heavy, he’s my brother”! […]