2015 in review
31 December 2015The Start of the Journey
18 January 2016A belated welcome to 2016! It’s a new year and one about which I feel really positive. I know the outlook is gloomy, the economies of the world are going belly-up, ISIS are a miserable bunch of killers, to coin Barack Obama’s phrase, (or was it thugs?) the weather is up the creek with El Nino causing havoc on all continents, but it’s going to be a good year!
I love my cover picture, the amazing reflections of the trees in the silence of the river. I feel it represent so much about our lives – our outer selves reflecting our inner souls, or maybe keeping lots hidden in the deep depths below those reflections. It could also depict thoughts and ideas, reflecting on the life and times around us. As such, it gives me freedom to write pretty much what I want to on this site, without having to stick to a straight and narrow theme.
Having said that, I feel that this year I need to be more disciplined, more focussed in following a thought to completion. I have no doubt this intention will astound those who know me, who have had to cope with my grasshopper thoughts leaping from one idea to another concept!
Thanks to my son Dwayne, I now have a better idea of how this website works, so hopefully it will be easier to follow. My intention is to post two blogs each week: Beside Still Waters and Friday Frolics. The former will share lessons I learnt along my path to healing from deep emotional wounds, how my Lord, Jesus Christ, has led me through valleys and paths, smooth and stony, to a place of peace, grounded in His love.
The latter will be more light-hearted, my take on the events of the week, interesting bits and pieces, much as I have before. Living in Swaziland, in Africa, there is frequently much to amaze and amuse, that needs to be shared.
I will also be sharing excerpts from two manuscripts, Of Feathers and Fire, and Sipho’s War, which are almost complete and I am about to begin the hullabaloo once more of looking for publishers! Or agents! Or I will self-publish. I would really appreciate any constructive
feedback, good or bad, positive or negative to these so I can correct errors or misconceptions before the expense of printing! I will not, however, respond to hate mail, and haters may well find themselves blocked!
For the rest, I look forward to interacting with you this year.