Sticks and stones …
19 December 2019Tobacco wars
10 January 2020Towards the end of November a question was posed: As you near the end of this year, what are the highlights for you of the second decade of the 21st century?
My first reaction was to avoid the issue, a familiar sinking feeling of failure, of unmet goals, rising up like flotsam on the tide after river floods threatened to overwhelm. But the question lingered and as I went back to 2010, and slowly wound my way through the next ten years, the ‘teens’ as a friend calls them, slowly my emotions changed and I was buoyed by the result.
I really did not do too badly in the achievement stakes as I am sure you did not.
2019 was a year of mixed blessings. Healthwise it was challenging, but in many other ways it was an exciting year, and I find myself skipping over the nasties and focusing on the positive emotions, the general feeling of happiness that I experienced through the year takes precedence over the negativity, and that I will take forward into the next decade.
I believe this life is about stretching forward towards that goal, that prize of which the apostle Paul speaks in 1 Corinthians 9 vv 24 to 27, and again in Philipians 3 vv 13,14:
“Brethren I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forget those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
A new season begins. May it bring all that is positive and uplifting to each of you, to my family and to my friends far and wide, a season of hope, of joy.
Happy 2020!

1 Comment
Hi Glenda, wishing you a wonderful, happy and healthy 2020!
Love Glynis