My Thoughts

19 December 2017

It’s Christmas!

For most of my life I have downplayed the importance of Christmas for a variety of reasons, the main one being that my grandmother and my […]
22 September 2017

God of Comfort

I have often found that people who claim the bible to be a collection of fables, a series of tall stories, or historical references that have […]
13 February 2017

Home Help or Hindrance

I read an account in our local paper a while back of a woman who had been robbed by the person she employed as domestic helper. […]
30 January 2017

When there is no cake

I try and walk most mornings, weather and lungs permitting. A few months back, much against my better judgement, I allowed myself to be talked into […]
19 January 2017

Poisonous Pens

There are many conflicting thoughts running around in my head today, so this blog may turn into three! Over the past week I have, among other […]
7 January 2017

So Who is the Real Loser?

It’s four and a half hours since I awoke to a silent house, no hum of fridges, or water pumps, or daylight switches humming their warning […]
6 June 2016

Not Over Yet!

It really is ridiculous. I came back from a wonderful refreshing ten days in Mozambique, and then what happened? How did five weeks fly by, and […]
11 May 2016

The Healed Place

Just when you possibly all thought I had disappeared for good, here I am, back again, after a wonderful break in my old haunt in Mozambique. […]
20 April 2016

A Last Word on Idols

A large part of repentance is making right the wrong you have done. I think that at times this making good is so horrific that it […]
24 March 2016

The Real Meaning?

Words are living, with a creative power that can work for good or bad. God spoke the world into being. The Word of God is living, […]
14 March 2016

Till death … or divorce

Last week I spoke about divorce, and how clear the word is with regard to re-marriage. I don’t for one minute think that God withdrew His […]
11 March 2016

After the Rain

It’s truly a Friday for a frolic: the mountains are shining, washed green by the rain, puddles abound to the delight of the birds, the sun […]
4 March 2016

‘Twixt Dawn and Dusk

There was one of those straight white clouds across the sky this morning. It was crystal clear and made me think of the beach in Mozambique, […]
27 February 2016

The Fourth ‘R’

I must apologise for missing last week’s Friday frolic. All good intentions went overboard when my house took a very close lightning strike the previous night, […]
24 February 2016

Sex Rears its Ugly Head

I was fortunate enough to be invited to be part of a counselling team going to Mozambique this past weekend, to minister to some inner city […]