
24 March 2016

The Real Meaning?

Words are living, with a creative power that can work for good or bad. God spoke the world into being. The Word of God is living, […]
14 March 2016

Till death … or divorce

Last week I spoke about divorce, and how clear the word is with regard to re-marriage. I don’t for one minute think that God withdrew His […]
11 March 2016

After the Rain

It’s truly a Friday for a frolic: the mountains are shining, washed green by the rain, puddles abound to the delight of the birds, the sun […]
4 March 2016

‘Twixt Dawn and Dusk

There was one of those straight white clouds across the sky this morning. It was crystal clear and made me think of the beach in Mozambique, […]
27 February 2016

The Fourth ‘R’

I must apologise for missing last week’s Friday frolic. All good intentions went overboard when my house took a very close lightning strike the previous night, […]
24 February 2016

Sex Rears its Ugly Head

I was fortunate enough to be invited to be part of a counselling team going to Mozambique this past weekend, to minister to some inner city […]
5 February 2016

So What Did You Do?

My trip to Cape Town has flown by and I was welcomed home with a thunder storm that brought a small measure of relief to the […]
2 February 2016

A Sabbath Rest

I woke up that first morning at the beach feeling lighter than I had for many years. It was a glorious day and I couldn’t wait […]
25 January 2016

Where it Began

The realisation that I must have been sexually molested when I was very young came to me late in life. Like so many people who are […]
22 January 2016

Six Hippo Weeks

I never finished telling about my Kruger Walk, for which I apologise unreservedly. I do intend to write that last episode, but fore that I need […]
18 January 2016

The Start of the Journey

Nearly four years ago I hit the wall. I was an absolute mess having spent most of my cognitive years trying to please those around me, […]
18 January 2016

Welcome to 2016

A belated welcome to 2016! It’s a new year and one about which I feel really positive. I know the outlook is gloomy, the economies of […]
31 December 2015

2015 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog […]
30 September 2015

Day One Proper in the wild!

Three o’clock in the morning. Dark. Eerily quiet. No amount of wriggling, desperate commands to my bladder failing dismally to produce the desired result, and I […]
14 September 2015

Arrival at Bush Camp

The air in the safari vehicle tingled with a sense of expectation as we left Letaba and headed south. Conversation was a little muted to begin […]