
21 December 2018

God’s People are broke.

Close to 40 years after giving my life to Christ I obviously have many Christian friends, and right now a number of them, including me, are […]
5 September 2018

Humiliation of Shame

Today I bring forth an argument: To Shame or Not to Shame. I saw a post which decried sharing acts of abuse in open fora as […]
4 June 2018

No to Abortion!

The bitter truth, however, is that the majority of pregnancies are terminated not because of deformity, or as a result of rape. They are the result of flagrant and irresponsible sexuality, people copulating without precaution, knowing they will not be brought to account for their actions
12 March 2018

A Small Round Stone

How do you feel today? What emotion predominates and if you were to allow it free rein where might it lead you?   One of my […]
19 December 2017

It’s Christmas!

For most of my life I have downplayed the importance of Christmas for a variety of reasons, the main one being that my grandmother and my […]
22 September 2017

God of Comfort

I have often found that people who claim the bible to be a collection of fables, a series of tall stories, or historical references that have […]
13 February 2017

Home Help or Hindrance

I read an account in our local paper a while back of a woman who had been robbed by the person she employed as domestic helper. […]
30 January 2017

When there is no cake

I try and walk most mornings, weather and lungs permitting. A few months back, much against my better judgement, I allowed myself to be talked into […]
19 January 2017

Poisonous Pens

There are many conflicting thoughts running around in my head today, so this blog may turn into three! Over the past week I have, among other […]
7 January 2017

So Who is the Real Loser?

It’s four and a half hours since I awoke to a silent house, no hum of fridges, or water pumps, or daylight switches humming their warning […]
13 October 2016

The Morning Wind

The Morning Wind   An errant breeze ruffled curtains A glimpse of indigo sky The morning star proudly incandescent   There’s a whispering in the cane […]
6 June 2016

Not Over Yet!

It really is ridiculous. I came back from a wonderful refreshing ten days in Mozambique, and then what happened? How did five weeks fly by, and […]
11 May 2016

The Healed Place

Just when you possibly all thought I had disappeared for good, here I am, back again, after a wonderful break in my old haunt in Mozambique. […]
20 April 2016

A Last Word on Idols

A large part of repentance is making right the wrong you have done. I think that at times this making good is so horrific that it […]