
21 August 2020

The Covid Months

There is a palpable sense of lightness this week in South Africa, after moving to Level 2 of lockdown. In retrospect the Covid journey seems to […]
14 August 2020

Our African Dream

Friday, middle of the month, it has been a frenetically busy day here in White River. I can only think it is the thought that maybe, […]
6 August 2020

Ego or Just Reward?

I’m a writer. It’s my career, my calling, an unavoidable compulsion, call it what you will, it is what I am and what I do. It […]
14 June 2020


I was born in Mbabane, in the Kingdom of Eswatini many years ago and lived there for most of my life until a couple of years […]
25 May 2020

Your Serve

The President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, has put our future into our hands: “… as individuals, as families, as communities it is you who will […]
11 May 2020

Quit Bellyaching!

One of the most interesting aspects of any catastrophe is the number of experts the situation produces. Those who don’t quite have the cheek to pronounce […]
4 May 2020

Privilege Equals = ?

This is the story of two families, one father, two mothers. Or one husband and two wives. The man is my father. I am from the […]
2 May 2020

Suffering For Christ

I don’t believe there is a born again Christian on the face of this earth who does not desire to know Jesus, God the Father more […]
23 April 2020

Life After Lockdown

In so many ways the last four weeks have dragged, yet the time has flown by. I have achieved a small number of ticks against my […]
3 April 2020

who is victor?

I have no doubt the majority of people reading this, certainly in South Africa, have had a letter from ‘my friend Victor’ whose niece is a […]
30 March 2020

Street walker

It is interesting how sound is magnified by silence. I live close to a main road and am used to the almost non-stop hum and rumble […]
4 February 2020

There is one

When I am alone Drowning in sadness The music of unrequited love Throbbing through my mind There is One whose arms fold gently around When fear […]
10 December 2019


The febrile imagination born not of make believe, but of don't believe.
13 March 2019

Beyond Despair

the depth of misery in the eyes of the young boy living on the street, the imperceptible shake of his head as I ask what I can do to help say more than words.